New Butterfly


Got Fish?
Meet Buford. :) Just got him today. My first butterfly....LOVE HIM!!!!



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Copperbands are awesome fish.
But your anemones are the ones that are in danger.Butterflies seem to love anemones and LPS corals.
I will keep an eye on him....thanks. From the reading I've done, I thought if they were well fed and in a stress free environment they usually don't pick at corals and anemones. I guess I should've asked you guys first! UGH. Oh well, live and learn. At least he's fun to watch! :)
I have kept copperbands for years in my reef tanks, they only ever touch aiptasia and feather dusters. they will also eat other types of segmented worms (bristleworms)

Mine have never messed with my bubble anemones or even majanoes nor my lps. You should be fine just keep an eye on him.

FYI. The general rule for butterflys and angels are they are not reef safe.
Thanks everyone. So far so good with the corals and anemones. He eats plenty of mysis every maybe he doesn't get too hungry. Fingers crossed! :x:
Buford's not well. Developing nervous habits because my tang is being very bossy. UGH. Might need to return him and order a juvenile butterfly. I think my tang doesn't appreciate the fact that he's the same size. UGH again.
That sucks when that happens. My Sailfin and Powder Brown did the tail butting thing for a few days, they are buddies now. Hope everything turns out good for you, he's a beautiful fish.
Tangs have to show their authority ...... I'm sure when he gets past the macho crap, he'll back off. Glad the Butterfly is doing better. He needs to just put that Tang in his place
Tangs have to show their authority ...... I'm sure when he gets past the macho crap, he'll back off. Glad the Butterfly is doing better. He needs to just put that Tang in his place

I'm watching and waiting for that to happen myself! :)