new cabnet and now to add awsome


old salt
I have had my 125g for about 4 years i started with fresh then now for 2 years ive been salt and now i want to get rid of the artifical and go real reef . Im going to need lights and rock exc... thats why i signed up here to get some info on whats the best but anywhoo here she is now after ive sold all my fish and about to sell the fake stuff but a great tank to start with for sure .


To convert to a reef? Yup, lights and flow. And, do you have a reef test kit? I don't, but, I'm lazy ;) If you want to keep more difficult corals, (sps, etc) you'll want to check out your calcium and mag and yadda yadda.
Do you have any powerheads? A skimmer?
test kit yes , power heads on the way 2 in the 1000gph range , skimmer? i dont mean to sound dumb but ive only had fish my tank has a 40g sump with bio balls 3 step filter system exc . i have a 1750 gph pump on the tank now < just some info for you to let me know what i have thats going to work and what im going to need
You don't sound dumb. Those powerheads sound good to start, not sure if it's enough for a 125. Hopefully someone will chime in. You run a different filter than a lot of us on here but if it's working for you, cool. Most of us avoid bioballs and the filter because we worry about high nitrates. Do you test your nitrates or have high nitrates?
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Oh geez, really?? Check out octopus protein skimmers. They are amazing and highly recommended. They pull out the crud and don't give you nitrate problems. You can probably cram one into your sump. I don't have a sump so I have a hang on the back model.
Then you can pitch the filter system and bioballs.
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+1 to Sarah on the Reef Octopus Protein Skimmer. They are great. I have one in the sump on my 180g. You will also need live rock to act as filtration. For a 125 you need about 175 pounds (about 1 and a 1/2 pound per gallon). It is cheaper to get dry rock and seed it with one piece of live rock. Check out for great dry rock. Got mine there.
Hello and Welcome!

You have some really great advice about how to change up your system to get read for a reef. Lights, flow, fixing up the sump and more rocks are your major items. I would also looking into a RO/DI filter. Tap water can cause huge issue in saltwater tanks, fueling ugly algae growth and in houses that have copper pipes, kill inverts.

However, high nitrates (unless the are scary high, like 100+ ppm) isnt dead to most fish. You probably lost most of your fish through improper acclimation or adding too many too fast. You should only add one fish every 3 weeks to allow for the bacteria to grow to handle the new waste load before throwing more poop in to the mix. If you dont do this you can cause the tank to go through a mini cycle, which is deadly to fish and inverts.

Also while you are re-doing your tank I would get rid of any remaining fish to make sure the tank cycle properly. Plus it looks like you have a damsel in there, which are rather poor choices for any tank. They are so aggressive that they are known for bullying fish much larger than they are to death.

Research every fish or coral before you buy!!!! There are many fish out there that have no business being in our tank, or your particular tank. That doesnt stop LFS employees from selling them to you, most because they dont know any better and its their job to sell stuff. The same goes for equipment.

The last piece of advice I have for you is, go slowly. Nothing good happens fast in our tanks.