new corals today


I found Nemo
went to the lfs to "look around" today. ended up buying this yellow toadstool leather. it had one large and one small toadstool attatched to the same piece of rubble rock. so, i got a two for one deal. thought i would share some pics. any special care or tips for this coral will be greatly appreciated.


I also rescued a trumpet coral while i was there. this wasn't my normal lfs (my normal one is closed on sundays) this was the crappy i don't usually go to anymore. but, i was bored so i thought what the heck. i noticed this same coral there 4 or 5 months ago! it didn't look great back then. he has normal output flourescents on a 75 gallon display, he uses dechlorinated tap water in his tanks, and most of them is covered in hair algea really bad! the poor trumpet had each polyp covered in cyano, and you could barely make out any color. i talked him into throwing it in for free :mrgreen:
so, i brought him home, cleaned and rinsed him in some clean saltwater, and placed him up high in my tank. within an hour his polyps were three times the size they were at the lfs. hopefully he will recover. has anyone had any luck doing this? here's a few pics. tell me what you think of him.

The trumpet may put out its tentacles at night, which is cool to see. Try giving it some food if it has its tentacles out, see if it will eat it.
Congratulations,the trumpet looks very bony.I would go ahead and feed some cyclops when the lights are out.Hopefully,it will recover and good luck.
Trumpets are pretty resilient. I have seen some where there appears to be absolutely no flesh left, just skeleton. And months later they pop back up. It has happened to a couple of my trumpet skeletons that really really looked dead. But actually were not!
I took another gander at it before i went to bed last night. my turbo's were giving it a spit shine, it was a good thing i had it stuck into a hole on the live rock or it would have been in the bottom of the tank somewhere. it was something to see two large turbo's crawling around on that tiny trumpet stalk. they did a good job though. it didn't have a speck of algae on it this morning. maybe the extra cleaning will help it a little.
just a update on the trumpet. he has came back nicely and it's only been a month. at the rate that it's going it should look like a regular trumpet by new years! gotta love free corals. even if you have to nurse them back to health.

great luck. I have never been able to nurse a coral back like that. I tend to kill them. Can't wait to see if fill up.

-Dr Marco :sfish: