new corals


Reefing newb
I am just getting started on my reef tank. Just purchased a Blue Xenia and a Metalic Green Star Polyp. My Blue Xenia looks wonderful but the Green Star Polyp has not show any sign of life since the transport from the store home.Is this usual or is something wrong.I have read that tank changes corals need some time to adjust. Any advice would be helpful. :frustrat:
if you acclimated it slowly it should be fine. what type of lighting do yo have in your tank and what type of lighting was on the tank it was originally from. this may be the cause of the problem. I would just keep an eye on him. sometimes it takes a couple days.
PACHYCLAVULARIA SPP. - Green star Polyps

-Indo Pacific.

-Moderate tanks 50 gal or more.

-Prefer bright lighting, but can tolerate dimly lit tanks if they are porvided with supplemental foods.

-Zooxanthellate. Get most of their nutrition from their symbiotic algae, but will also benifit from occasional feedings.

-Good for reef tank habitant.

-These are some of the most popular animals kept in aquariums. They prefer moderate to high currents and will not thrive in areas with low current. They are occasionally preyed upon by Lysmata or Saron shrimps. They do not do well with several species of green algae, particularly Batophora spp., which will overgrow them. The polyps arise from a mat like, low growing base that is purple, tan, or brown and can extend upward for a distance equal to their diameter. Polyps typically have a white center, but the tentacles can be almost any shade of brown or green.
I have small frag of the star polyps.When I brought mine home they took 4 days
to fully open start looking like what I purchased.The tank they where in had halidesand I have pc type lighting.Just give them some time to become accustom to there new environment.Maybe adding some live phyto will help