New Fish


Team Liquid Force
I finally got me a Yellow Tang, and what a nice addition he is:bounce:He was rather photogenic this evening. I have had him for 2 weeks but he was extremely shy up until now. He looks real healthy and is eating like a champ.


Nice fish! They seem to have a lot of personality. Nice aiptasia too ;).
Aaahhhh.... and just the person I wanted to talk to about that aiptasia. That is the aiptasia that I believe is quilty of killing my poor little cleaner shrimp. Was it you that used Kalkwasser to kill aiptasia's?
Yep that was me. I mixed it into a thick paste (thick enough that it won't fall apart underwater) and just smothered the little thing with it, using a plastic spoon. I just smooshed it in its little crack and shoved it in its little pie hole as far as it could go. It's important to get it as covered as possible. Don't use too much kalk though, or that will lead to big changes in pH in your tank.
It will be too thick to push through a syringe. If you make it into a putty with your fingers, you can just squish it on there. If you want to use a syringe, use Joe's Juice or lemon juice.
It will be too thick to push through a syringe. If you make it into a putty with your fingers, you can just squish it on there. If you want to use a syringe, use Joe's Juice or lemon juice.

Too late, haha. I mixed a thin paste and it worked. No more aiptasia:bounce: