New Fish


Reefing newb
We Just got this fish, I saw him, Did what reaserch I could on him, it is a Tribal Blenny, There is not much info on them but from what I can tell, He hasnt nipped at any of our Corals, Just does his own thing, Cool Fish.
does anyone know anything about this fish, max size, anything? I think it gets to be around 5-6in tops.

this one is about 4 1/2 inchs, I really wanted him and I have a few tanks to put him in if he doesnt do well with Coral Later on. so say that that fish like to snip at Acro's but mine hasnt done anything yet. seems like a good fish so far.

I got him through the LFS where i used to work at, $ 29.99

he is almost 5 inchs long.

He is such an awesome fish, when him and the clowns square off, the lines on his face get bright blue and his tail gets White, then he darkens back up afterwords.. such a cool fish
Another crazy lookin fish is the bullseye goby. The have the mouth the size of a big mouth bass. i have to feed him small pieces of shrimp. But he is so awsome:bowdown: