New Here


Reefing newb
Hi, I'm new to the site. I found this site after doing a search on my skimmer, which I'm having issues with.

I have a 38g reef that was started a few weeks ago. It cycled in a week with 2 raw shrimp. I have about 75% base rock and 25% live rock. Lighting is 6x39w Nova Extreme Pro fixture. Its awesome, but it takes up the whole tank. I'm working on a hanging system for it now, so that I can atleast lift it up a bit for maintenance.

I currently have 2 fish in the tank, 2 Percula Clownfish who are about 1.5". I have 1 coral, some Dragon Eye Zoas. So far so good with them. I've had them about 4 days now.

I've already received some good advice here. :)