new kole tang and neon dottyback


Reefing newb
heres the new additions


by the way, could photobucket have more crap that pops up and bothers you while your doing things????
by the way, could photobucket have more crap that pops up and bothers you while your doing things????

SERIOUSL! :grumble:...It's annoying, especially if, god forbid, if you have to refresh the page, "I'VE ALREADY SEEN THIS COMMERCIAL!!!!" :pissed:


On to happier things...NICE FISH!!!! [Insert construction workers whistling here :mrgreen:] I don't see much discussion about Dottybacks in the forums...let me know how he works out for you...I'm curious :mrgreen:
great additions! Koles are great fish. keep us informed about the dottyback they can sometimes be pretty territorial, to your smaller fish.
i love the dottyback, great colors to it. great looking kole even though i am biased cause i love tangs.:Cheers: