new member


Reefing newb
Hello all,
I'm some what new to the hobby only one year, also have not had the internet as a resource the last year. I'm looking forward to all the info shared vs. books only on reef tanks. Brief summary of my tanks 33 gal with soft corals,1 frog spawn, BTA, 2 pink skunks, fox face rabbit, flame dwarf angel, lawnmower bleeny and a humbug all are juvenilles a cleaner shrimp, brittle star, 2 emerld crabs hermit crabs and snails. Most are moving on my birthday to a 210 gal the tank is at home, but waiting on my lights and filtration $$. My 10 gal has 2 percula clown fish a small BTA , coral banded shrimp and snails.
Welcome to the site. Don't be afraid to ask questions here, these people love to help. And post pics, we all like those alot.