New sump pump


Reefing newb
I have been running my old power head as a return pump.What would you guys suggest for a good return sump pump? I have a HOB overflow with i believe a inch and a quarter pipe on it.Thanks for every ones help here. This is a great site!
It depends on how many gph your overflow is producing. Then you want to get a pump that pumps at least that amount or slightly more at the head height for your tank. In your case for a 55g tank you'll want a pump that producing 300gph-550gph. Again, this will depend on the gph of your overflow.
Ya that's my problem. I bought the thing 12 years ago and have had it put up. I dont have a clue on the gph it has. The overflow box is prob. 6''x6''x2 with a inch and and quarter flow pipe. Any guess's ??
I'm guessing its around 700gph-900gph. My overflow has a 1" pipe and is rated up to 700gph. The worst you can do is buy a pump thats rated for 900gph at 4' of head and have to tone it down with a ball valve. That is very common anyway.
A 1-1/4'' drain can do 700-900gph but lets air on the side of caution and say it is a standard 600gph overflow.

A mag 5 or 7 will work or equivalent.Don't forget a ball valve on the return side.