New Tank


Reefing newb
Hey guys. I have finally moved to my new home. I am in WA now thank god I am out of VA. I dont have any room for my 30G tank in this little house so I have it in storage. I again made the 90G a freshwater (sorry I still cant afford the LR and filtration for it) but I am building my 15G into a salty tank. I am going to use my LR from my 30G and either a HOB filter or my C-220 Marineland filter. This will be a FOWLR tank so I am not going to go crazy with the lighting and just use the standard hood and light. I will post some pics soon as I get some. I just put the sand in the tank tonight no water yet, I still have to mix it.

Do any of you know of a good LFS in the Tacoma WA area? All I have found is a couple of pets marts and petco stores and the fish stock does not look the best, and most of them do not do salty fish.

The "New" tank is doing OK. I didnt have enough salt to start it properly but I have it mixing right now. I kept the LR from my old tank that had the green slimy stuff on it and well.. not all the green stuff died off while in storage. I am going to treat the tank with the slime be gone stuff I have and keep the charcoal out of the filter for now. I decided to use the C-220 filter, it filters more than my HOB and it also has a flow similar to a power head. I have good water movment in the tank so I should be good. It does look strange seeing my salty tank without the Actinics turning stuff purple.

I first started keeping salt awter tanks when in Tacoma Washington in 1972. There were many tropical fish stores then. However,I have not been there since 1974. Other than working at Madigan Army Hospitals emergency room, and all the tropical fish stores, all I remember about Tacoma is all the liquid sun shine (rain) and the cheap cost of fresh marine fish and invertebrates at all the grocery stores, and the speed boat races at Spanaway Lake. Oh, and Brown and Hailey candy which was made in Tacoma was super cheap. I had never even heard of marine aquariums before being stationed at Madigan in Tacoma Washington. It was instant love!!!!!
Wow 1974... Alot has changed since then. We still have the lobsters and crabs in all the grocery stores, Madigan is still here, I am not sure about the boat races on Spanaway Lake (out of season right now), but I did hear a speed boat on the lake last weekend. Brown and Hailey is still here, yum yum Almond Roca and mountain bars. Oh yea in 1974 I was still inside my Mom. The liquid sunshine is still in abundance here too.

OK here is an update on my tank. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

I got the rock in the tank and I have been keeping the lights off so I dont get a resurgance of the slime that I had in the 30G. My seals in my filter were all dried and the hose block would leak constantly. I contacted Marineland and they told me that I could use silicone grease or vasaline to relube the seals. They are also sending me some new seals and I lost my strainer so they are also sending me a new strainer. I has a small 25W heater in the tank and that has always been enough for this little tank, but... I had a heater go bad and this one would not shut off. overnight I went from 62° water to 87°. I removed the heater and now a day and a half later the water is back down to 77.9°. I am going to see if I have another heater and put that in and things should be good. I will post a pic of the tank here soon keep looking back.

Wow 1974... Alot has changed since then. We still have the lobsters and crabs in all the grocery stores, Madigan is still here, I am not sure about the boat races on Spanaway Lake (out of season right now), but I did hear a speed boat on the lake last weekend. Brown and Hailey is still here, yum yum Almond Roca and mountain bars. Oh yea in 1974 I was still inside my Mom. The liquid sunshine is still in abundance here too.

:bounce:The local stores use to sell cardboard buckets of Mountain Bars unwrapped for less than half of the normal wrapped candy bar price. I still remember my apartment had sidewalks with nice smooth evenly spread beauty bark between them. I first thought they raked it smooth, but ever time it rained the bark floated and when the water soaked in the bark ws perfectly level and evenly spread. A wet sunshine miracle at work.:^: