New temp controller confirms it:


Reef enthusiast
Coralife digital thermometer SUCKS! :pooh: Reads 81.4F when the ATC controller reads 85.7 :grumble: I confirmed this with 2 other thermometers and a cheap strip which all read the same within .5F That means all summer my real temps have been between 84-89F, while the coralife told me it was 79-84. Amazingly enough, my only death was the ribbon eel, and the corals are thriving and growing still, and the fish don't/ haven't appeared stressed at all. Now I need to get the temps adjusted down slowly and see how everybody likes the cooler water.:shock:
84 to 89 aint really that much different than on a wild reef.
I remember reading somewhere that some corals even live in tidal pools that can get as warm a 100*.
Sorry to hear you have a product that doesn't seem to work correctly that always sucks. Reminds me if the coralife digital power strip. Hats off to whoever figures out how to use that pos. Its a glorified power strip now.
I'm thinking maybe the high temps is what caused my RBTAs to bleach and not the switch from PC to 250w MH...? They didnt bleach til june I think, which is when it starts really heating up here. The SPS dont seem to mind the heat though, my montis are growing and coloring up beautifully
I set my controller to turn on the heater at 80.5F so at least it won't be dropping and rising overnight so much. Today the peak temp was 86, actually at 4am today it was still 88, so it never dipped all night. My new pocillopora frag isn't liking things, its polyps never came out as well as they did at the LFS when I bought it, I'm guessing its a high temp/phosphate combo (phos is 0.50, doesn't wanna come down no matter how many water changes it seems)
I had that stupid thermometer. It read 79 and my tank was 89. I use the stick on kind without a problem. My corals were losing color and polyp extention.
Polyp extension has been way subdued but coloration has been great, I gotta get that temp down though! I cant wait for this stupid heat wave to end. 100 degrees in mid october is bizarre and stupid since it didnt break 100 all summer here.
I had the same issue recently, oddly enough, but with just a standard floating thermometer. My tank is up around 86-88. I see condensation in my heater, so I'm pretty sure it's ready to be trashed, especially since it's set at 74 right now, haha. I ordered another one on Sunday and it should be here this week.
I have my tank running between 80-84 now, which is a bit better than the 82-89 it was. Makes a big difference having a better thermometer, also my new refractometer showed up today and wow my IO hydrometer was only reading 0.005 high (1.025 refract. , 1.0255 hyd.)
Sorry to hear you have a product that doesn't seem to work correctly that always sucks. Reminds me if the coralife digital power strip. Hats off to whoever figures out how to use that pos. Its a glorified power strip now.

Crap, are you serious? :shock:
I just picked one up.
It looked like a good idea.
I guess as a packaging designer, I should know better than to believe the hype on the packaging. :roll:

I wonder if I should give it a go or just return it and get my $25 back...
I had the same Coralife timer/power strip. It worked just fine, and was easily programmed (for me), except from day 1 it continuously lost time. No biggie, I just had to reset it and reprogram it every week once it got an hour behind :(
Ok I'll give it a go.
Looking at this pile of receipts right here, what's another $25 (already spent anyways)? :mrgreen:

Sorry for the slight thread hijack.