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I am looking to start a new tank. I am a bit nervous. What size is the best I can get and also not break the bank. I have done a little bit of reading and I don't know what size will be the best to start with? Any ideas would be helpful
Fishfan is right, small tanks do not leave any room for error. The larger the tank, the more forgiving of mistakes you might make. I'd say anything 29 gallons or larger would be ideal, but keep in mind that most people on here that start with anything less than 100 gallons end up being sucked up into the hobby so badly that they are upgrading tanks within a year anyways.
It is true. I started a 46 gallon tank and already want a much larger tank so I can have Angels and other fish that like larger swimming areas.
Go as big as possible. try at least 75 or 90. look for what fish you want to keep and plan that way. nothing is as bad as the feeling you get from finding the perfect fish, having spent several thousand dollars and realizing that you cannot keep it. it sucks.

Welcome to the site!Go as big as your budget allows.Like others have said,the bigger the more forgiven it will be when mistakes happen.
As big as you can afford and have the space for.
Like a lot of the other here,I started with a 30,not hardly a year later went to a 55,the about 4 or 5 months after that,upgraded to a 75,and now I'm doing my best to justifiy a 100+.
im addicted to the hobby. my dad had a 75 when i was younger and now im getting a 120 and its not even delivered yet and i wanna go bigger