new video

Justin watched it and the noise in the background is my wife and some friends playin instruments. sounds like they need some more practice.hahaha
Nice video and I really like the aquacaping.The music was the most hideous sound I ever heard almost,sorry I cannot lie!I think my ears are still bleeding.

Your powder blue looks beautiful but malnourish.I recommend lots of vitamin soaked seaweed.
ya tell me about it i have to hear that crap every day allmost but in her credit when they actually play a song it sounds good,i think they were all fooling around.That tang has only been in the tank for about two weeks and the first week he wouldnt eat any prepared food,just algae off rocks,but now he is a pig.I am tryin to fatten him up,what the best way without raising nitrates by over feeding.
Great looking tank and tang.
The best way I've found to fatten them up,is to keep seaweed sheets clipped in the tank so he can graze on em all day.