

Reefing newb
Hi to all friends in this forum,

I will like to set up a marine tank...can someone give advice to where to get one.

Saw one at jalan Kayu, the tank itself is $1118, plus rock and some live stock cost around $1500... is it expensive?

Can someone advice where I can get a cheaper tank..

many thanks

just me
Re: Picture of the Month - May

we would all love to help you with your journey through the hobby, however this is definitely not the right place for this topic, maybe you could start a thread in the introduction section.
oops I was going to suggest craigslist until I realized you live in singapore. I think it really depends on the cost of things compared to your currency for price. ita hard for me to guess unless your talking about us dollars. do you have a classified section of your paper or online. thay would be a great place to score a wonderful price on a tank.
Hi Bifferwine,

The 1 I saw is about 2 was a complete system with skimmer, lighting, etc. Each time I go I will stare at the tank...very tempted to get but not sure whether is the right price for the right tank.... Can you suggest other place I can compare on the price....
Since you are in Singapore, I don't really know anywhere else where you could compare prices. I don't know how things over there compare to stuff in the US. For a new set up that includes everything, that does not seem like a bad price though.