Night vs. Day


daily puffer
I recently purchased some corals with a gift certificate from my LFS. I got an awesome torch coral, a bubble coral, and some green star polyps. They look awesome ( i will post some pictures soon) and I am so excited to have real reef stuff in my tank!
I have a question about light cycles as we (my wife and I) work during the day and like the tank lit at night. I have my lights kick on at 5pm and off at 1am. When I check the tank in the afternoon (before lights) I notice the corals are partially open due to ambient daylight in room. I've read that bubble corals feed at night by extending tenticles. Mine seems closed when light are off, or partially open but looks like its feeding around midnight (an hour or so before tank goes dark) 2 questions:

1:Is my light cycle ok? Meaning, is it ok for corals to partially open and close during what is supposed to be night?

2: Can I feed my bubble coral when the light are on? He looks ready with hook tenticles extended and mouth exposed at about 6 hours into daylight cycle.

I'm in the process of getting another timer so I can do the dusk dawn with my actinics.Gonna do them an hour before and after the present arrangement, maybe cut the whites down to 7 hours...I also leave my moonlights on 24/7...Any input would be appreciated if I'm on the right track or not...
Congrats on the new addition!

Its fine to feed when the are on, if the tentacles are out he is ready to go!

Also your light cycle sounds fine, as does the added dusk dawn effect :)