

Reefing newb
hello everyone
i have mine ordered. 75 gal long , 20 gal sump , skimmer, 50 lbs live rock 25 base. i am going to fish only for now and reef maybe in a year. i want to get back in the swing of things first, its been 20 years. i think the only thing i will need is a good light system when i go reef. i have a book by Scott w. Michael on reef aquarium fishes and have been on the net for what like 8 weeks reading. my head is about to pop ha ha. what would you suggest for fish,snails,crabs after the cycle and all is over.
Since you'll end up going reef before it over:D Think reef safe.
The smaller Flasher and carpenter wrasses would be cool.
Since you'll end up going reef before it over:D Think reef safe.
The smaller Flasher and carpenter wrasses would be cool.

great advice! too many people plan on going reef later, but end up buying a puffer.... makes no sense.