octopus good pet?


Reefing newb
does anyone have a octopus
i'm wondering what there like
not intrested in getting one im just curious to see what its like to have something like an octopus living in your house
do they escape easily?
do they make good pets?
anything else
They escape all the time. When I first got in the hobby I was think of getting one until I found out the tank has to be completly sealed or it will escape and eat your cat before it dries out and stains your carpet. Then your kid will find it eat a leg and slap you in the face while you are sleeping. I would stay away very very far away.
yeah thats what i was thinking
theres all these videos of octopuses walking around on the ground
kinda creepy sleeping and seeing one of these coming towards you
When I was in my early 20s I had a 14 foot python. One night I felt something moving in bed. It had got out and slithered into bed with me. Atleast it was dry right.
yeah i heard that there hard to find in the US but in the UK and europe its easy
hopefully it will be easy to find them in america
they are hard to find in america because they usually die during shipping so you usually can only buy them as eggs and raise them from eggs, plus they only live around a year
I thought I saw a picture in the Tank Showcase section of an octopus, someone on this forum has one. I'll try to find it again.
They escape all the time. When I first got in the hobby I was think of getting one until I found out the tank has to be completly sealed or it will escape and eat your cat before it dries out and stains your carpet. Then your kid will find it eat a leg and slap you in the face while you are sleeping. I would stay away very very far away.

NO. WAY. Dude, that exact same thing happened to me!
the blue ringed or just octopus in general, octopus in general are escape artists, if they can fit a tentacle through it they can get out of it, your aquarium would have to be more locked down then fort konx to have an octopus. and blue rings arent safe because they are lethal