Ok so next?


Reefing newb
I have a lion fish, lunar wrasse, 2 tomato clowns, dog face puffer, fox face rabbit fish, and a small snow flake eel in my 180. I had put 2 different tangs in there and they didnt live. I fear that while i never saw them getting messed with that may have been the cause of there stress. So my question is this. What is some more options that I can add to my tank?
What kind of tangs did you have? Some tangs are very hard to keep in captivity. If you haven't tried a Kole Eye Tang, you might try one of those. They could certainly hold their own with your other aggressive fish
Powder browns and blues are notoriously hard to keep. They get ich and die even if you do everything right, much less if someone's picking on them. Try a hardier tang, like a bristletooth or a yellow tang. Or if you have the dough to drop on a purple tang, you could try one of those. I've heard they can be pugnacious even with non-tangs, so I imagine one could hold its own.
Get something 'exotic'. All the stuff you have in there is fairly standard fare at most pet stores. A purple tang is a good start. :mrgreen: