orange fuzzy thing.


Not That Kind Of Reefer
its hard to see but its Orange and fuzzy. It's on my star polyps and they won't open
Well my star polyps won't open and haven't opened for almost a week now. What could it be? I checked and nothing seems to bother them like fish or crabs. I dusted it off with a turkey baster and its high up to get light and good flow. What else can it be? My zoas have grown 2 heads already so what can this be?
I found a really huge bristle worm right under the purple stuff thY they make. Can this mean its eating them or should I take it out.
Bristleworms will only eat dead or dying things. If your star polyps haven't been opened for a while, they are probably in bad shape and the bristleworm is doing what the clean up crew does -- cleaning up.