overflow problem


Reefing newb
Does anybody have instruction for the megaflow overflow accessory kit, my system is leaking from the bottom part . Its really tight and still leaking. Anybody can scan me their instruction, I would appreciate it. Please.

I had that problem on my 125.
I ended up draining my overflows and putting silicone on that teflon washer that goes on the inside.That was the only way I could get the drip stopped.
i dont have the instructions any more what side did you put the rubber gascket on inside or outside? and they do not have to be very tight or they can crack the glass or break the gasket
I mistakenly tighten the bulkheads way to tight and forcing me completely tear off the bulkheads but I didn't break the glass. The rubber seal was underneath which I did wrong too and it was suppose to go inside the tank. Am I right? Thanks alot.