Placing corals on live rock.


Reefing newb
So how do you know what level of your live rock to put your coral on. How can you tell which coral needs a lot of light and which dont?
It all depends how strong your lights are as well, generally soft corals will need a much lower lighting level so they can be placed on the bottom of the tank. SPS need a really high level of light so they go toward the top and LPS can live from the bottom to the top depending on how strong your lights are.

If you have information on what lights you have we can tell you places to put your corals.

You can also tell whether a coral is doing well or not and then change their position. Light plays a major factor in creating healthy corals.
+1 jmck....always remember when acclimating them start them all off at the bottom of the tank and slowly move them up dont just put them right in at the height they are going to be at ..:D
I use LiveAquaria as a reference for most corals. Just do a quick search for the name of the coral and their listing will provide some basic information regarding flow, lighting, and temperament.
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the corals will let you know if they like where theyre placed or not... just keep an eye on them and move them around slowly until you find a place they seem happiest
Its not that hard to kill an LPS or SPS by givings it too much light. I've seen 'high light' corals whither and die under too much MH. I put an LPS less then 6 inches under a 150 watt MH and it died. Start all corals down low in the tank and light acclimate them.
Another option for acclimating corals to light is to decrease the photo period down to like half an hour, then SLOWLY increase the time back to what you had it at. I usually increase the photo period over the course of two weeks or more. Then sometimes still need to rearrange the corals to a spot that they like better.