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Reefing newb
Lads i want to know how to get rid of this. ive got a 200ltr tank and this stuff is growing quick!!!!


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That's a type of caulerpa (macroalgae). Which means that you have either high nitrates, phosphates, or most likely, both. You need to improve your water quality. Do regular water changes of 10 to 20% every few days until your nitrates get down close to zero. Then maintain it. Only use RODI water, not tap water. Cut back on your lighting for a while too.
Re: Stock

McCosker's Flasher Wrasse
Bicolor Blenny
Fridman's Dottyback
Clownfish 2
Sailfin/Algae Blenny
Green Mandarin
And clean up crew of cause!!
Like Biff said,thats grape caulerpa.Which will go assexual as it looses nutrients.When it does that,It'll really mess your water up.
It would be safer to pinch off the plants as close to the rock as possible and throw the caulerpa out.
My nitrates, phosphates are very low. (only problem i really get with the tank is to much nature light) there has to be a fish out there that would enjoy eatting it !
yes there are - the Tangs - Yellow Tang in particular. That's why I asked what you had, to see if you had one.. problem is that your tank is realy too small to keep one.
As others have advised, I think your best option is to just get in there and remove it. It's a lot easier than hair algae at least :-)
Caulerpa is commonly used in an 'algae filter' (usually as part of a refugium) as a method of exporting nutrients by constand harvesting.
If you have algae, your nitrates and phosphates aren't low. Algae need nitrates and phosphates to survive, and without them, you will have an algae-free tank. What is probably happening is that the algae is growing, and using up the nitrates and phosphates from your water, so it shows a low reading on your test kit. That doesn't mean it's not there, it just means it's getting consumed by the algae right away instead of just hanging around in the water.