Plexiglass VS Acrylic


Reefing newb
ok so i just got my sump built and just noticed that lowe's sold me Plexiglas and not acrylic. what kind of problem do i have?
the stuff that i bought can from lowes and the sticker / tag has PGLA 118 on it. im assuming that the PG stands for Plexiglas. know what has me worried is that their is a site for building sumps and i just happen to find it today (know that im done with mine). on the site it says "You want acrylic, not plexiglas - the stuff Home Depot sells. Plexiglas ages, turns yellow, gets brittle, and cracks. Acrylic is harder, and you can buy various thicknesses."

oh that is reassuring. i thought i just wasted my time and money and was going to have to start all over. so i shouldn't have to weary about the breakdown/cracking of the Plexiglas or it turning yellow then?
I have a sump made out of plexi glass that holds about 50 gallons of water and has been running for close to 10 years now. Just be sure to put braces on it just in case the water level gets to full.
Well the main part of the sump is a 20g fish tank. The deviders are what's made out of plexiglas so I should be good as far as supports. I did notice though when I did my leak test that the deviders did flex alot but with all the sections filled it should be good. I'm just so glad that I don't have to redo the hole thing. Being that it turned out kinda nice. I thought that forsure it pexiglas would turn green and crack. As soon as I get home I'll be sure to post a photo or 2.