

Reefing newb
This may sound like a dumb question but here goes, if I buy a bottle of pods and put it in my fuge with the cheeto how does it help my tank do they get into the DT via return pump?
pods are basically live food for your fish. you probably already have alot in the main tank and the fuge is so that they can reproduce without threat. and yes, alot of them will find their way up to the main tank.
Little known facts:

If you can see it from 5--10 feet away, it's most likely an amphipod. Looks like a little shrimp. Usually 1/4" up to 1/2" in length. Eats detritus and phytoplankton. Usually too large for a mandarin fish to eat. Other fish like clowns and wrasses will destroy them like cotton candy.

Teeny tiny swarms of white specs that hover close to the sand bed, like little white gnats, are the copepods. They live in the sand. Can't see them unless you got your nose pressed to the glass. Preferred food of the mandarin fish and sea horses.
I don't recall ever seeing anything like that thats why I am going to buy a bottle of them and put it in my fuge , was just wondering how they get into DT from fuge
you can either scoop them up and move them yourself or they'll get pumped back in through the return pump, assuming there is one.
RC You went all blair witch project in that first video! Nicely done. Who would have thought pods could be interesting?