Post your wiring


Reefing newb
I thought that it would be a cool post to see how people have wired up all their tank gear, let others (including me) get ideas on how to properly wire up an aquarium. I for one am shocking when it comes to these sorts of things. As long as the plugs are out the water I am happy.
Here are some of my shots (nothing fancy):
2 x 6 outlet power boards with all my cords labeled. That pretty much it.


Hope to get some better ideas from every ones replies. Thanks for reading
I would try to get those power strips higher especially the one against the tank. You don't want anything that close to water.

Here's mine but i just replaced the black power strip up top with a bigger one since i added a few more powerheads.

I don't want anyone emulating my setup! I've already had one fire in my wall, and two power outages because of my tank! What can I say, I like to live on the edge.
haha i saw this thread and laughed. all i know is what i see everyday and id be embarrassed. althought d2mini has his looking super clean
I have my wires fairly neat but un uninspiring.I still haven't mount the aqualifter pump,I don't think sitting on the bottom of the cabinet is a good idea.

Remember Homer Simpsons kitchen outlets that have like 47 things dailsy chained into a single socket? Thats what mine looks like lol
Does not sound like a very good trend going on in this thread lol. Specially for electrical items around water. But if aint broke why fix it :D
Haha that's funny. I asked Alex why we can't fix all our wiring and make our tank look nicer underneath. His response was a huge groan! Haha
i cant believe how many of you place the electrical strips right in the sump area. arent you all worried about moisture, salt creep, salt spray, anything getting into it? that's like a fire waiting to happen?
you just have to make shure that you have a drip loop. which is were the outlets are higher than the lowest part of the cord. plus my sump is almost all closed at the top