power head question


where's nemo?
ok so now I need your help with picking a power head, again I'm not gonna lie I know nothing about this,

how many do I need? How strong? How big?

I have a 29 gallon tank
Hydor Koralia are very popular and great powerheads. For a 29 gallon maybe go with the Hydor Koralia Nano 425's. Two powerheads, one for each side of the tank. That woould be 850 gph flow, turning the water over almost 30 times an hours. You could go with the Hydor Koralia Evolutions if you want more flow. I have two of the 425's in a 36 bowfront.
with 2 its easier to place the them so you dont have dead spots and then places where you have crazy current. You want to get flow everywhere in the tank to prevent things from settling out and keeping up good oxygen exchange
you might want to go for more than 2 425s imo. i have 2 750s and a 400 in mt 37 gallon which is the same as a 29 just a little higher and i think thats just about perfect.
I personally would go with more than 2 425's as well. The tank would benefit more from randomizing the current as well, either by placing each pump on a 24hr. timer and having them go off and on a 3-4 times a day or by purchasing a wavemaker of some sort.
guys at lfs told me to go with 2 800 at opposite ends for good water movement and the corals I could potentially have in the tank, he said enough is never enough ... What do you guys think?