powerhead help


Reefing newb
i dont know how much i need and how much gph i need.....
i know theres different things to consider but what do u guys recommend
i dont want to get one and it be to weak or strong ...
Yah. Softies need a turnover of about 25 times per hour and LPS need a bit more and for SPS really the more flow the better. Like a turnover of 50 to 80 times per hour.
well ive been looking online for some...
i dont want to have alot of powerheads in my tank but all the ones i see are about 100 to 200 gph.
Looks like a 29 gallon. (shorter tank than an actual 30).

I think (two) of any powerhead pushing 450-700gph should be fine. Koralia 2's, Koralia Evolution 550's, etc.
Yah you can get one but you might find that there are parts of your tank that have too much flow or lacking flow.
I never liked the idea of one powerhead in a tank leaves to much to chance of dead spots i agree with Zissou two smaller powerheads will bennefit you much more then one..
+1 Zissou, 2 Koralia's in the range of 550-750 is good.
But Koralia Mags in there? Jeez are you crazy there will be a constant sand storm!
Well what's your budget like? If you got money to throw around, put a single MP10 in there and call it a day.

*Random* flow is more important that just flow. Two powerheads allow the currents they generate to crash into each other. A single, large powerhead would just blast all your corals from one side, and your fish will swim in one direction.
every1 is saying koralias.
do u think they'll b noticable diffrent in a knock off?

Everyone is saying koralias because they're affordable and generate flow in a nice circular pattern (as opposed to just a stream of water).

Aquacave carries Sicce Voyagers, which are like showerheads in that you can adjust the flow even more. Supposed to work great with wavemakers and very quiet, but are a tad more expensive.

His best option if he has money and doesn't want a bunch of powerheads in his tank is a vortech mp10 though.
I actually bought a aquatop power head on eBay earlier. It's 1321 gph & got it for only $23.99 shipped. Plus you can use either suction or magnet for its base. I'd say that's a deal if it turns out to be a good power head. If not, well hey I got an extra power head for mixing saltwater or a QT. You can't go wrong if you have other uses for a cheap generic power head, but if it's good then I scored & I'd probably order another one. That's just my opinion. I'll let you guys know how it turn out when I get in a couple days.
i found koralias 3 (850 gph) for $30 or koralias 2 (600 gph) for $29.99.
i was thinking of geting two koralias 3.
think i will be too much (1700 gph) ?????