

Got Fish?
I'm not sure if I'm having problems. I had a blenny die at the beginning of the week (looked like a weird burn) anemones seem a little blah (shrunk up a bit..not moving as usual)...and now I have a sea urchin that hasn't moved at all today---seems to be shrinking in size?...I'm not sure.

I tested my water...and I think everything is fine. I say 'I think' because I have trouble reading levels because a lot of it feels subjective to me. How orange is it?! Things are bit darker than normal...just a bit...not scary dark. I do a 20 gallon water change once a week on my 120 gallon tank---I've had it up and running about 6 months now, and I haven't had any problems. I'm sensing something is up. Thoughts?

If the sea urchin is dead I'm assuming I should get it out asap? How long should I give it to move? Can it become toxic? UGH.

I've had my urchins find a spot of algae they particularly liked and chill on it for a day or so. I wouldn't be too worried about him, If he's not a venomous species I'd pick him up and see if his tube feet start searching for a foothold and if he starts waving his spines. As for toxicity, I don't think many of them are when they die, we've had several zebra, pincussion, tuxedo, pencil, and longspine urchins die at work with no consequence to the tank. I couldn't really say what's going on with your tank though. Sometimes mine will get in a funk even if all the parameters are off. When in doubt, water change.
+1 Epos

Anytime you think somethings outta place,do a water change.
Did you happen to check your salinity? If so did you use a refractometer or hydrometer? If you use a refractometer,when was the last time you checked the calibration on it and what did you use to calibrate it with?

The reason I ask about the salinity,I had basically the same thing happen with my tank.But didnt quiet figure it out until I noticed that I was adding more salt than usual.I hadnt calibrated my refractometer in a while,so I checked it,sure nuff,it was off using tap water for the calibration fluid.Tryed to calibrate and it was broken.
Ordered a new refractometer with the fluid and when it came in,my salinity was 1.039.Got that fixed and my stuff started looking and acting a whole lot better.
Interesting. Thanks. I check my salinity with telescope-type contraption. ;) Very technical, I know. It's a fairly new instrument....yesterday my salinity was 1.024 and today it was I don't think that's the problem. I did take your advice, and did a water change. Something just felt off to gut was telling me I went with it.
One thing I've learned with this hobby.Is to trust those gut feelings.When you watch the tank as much as most of us do,those gut feeling will que you in a whole lot quicker than most test kits will.
Please tell me how this turned out and what turned out to be the issue and also the fix...I am a semi educated n00b so all information is appreciated!
Check for stray voltage. Could be a bad pump or heater in there. :Cheers:

I agree with Yote - when in doubt do a water change and trust your gut feeling.

If it was one coral or one rock full of zoas acting weird I'd dismiss it. But when you see more than one animal showing signs of stress - better get your detective suit on and go to work.
Well...I did my water change....and everything is looking good. Maybe I was just being a nervous-nelly...IDK. My sea urchin did move a bit...maybe it's just chillin'. Usually it's all over the place. Any-who....thanks for all the feedback. I'm going to check my water levels again tomorrow . I wish I could get a better handle on the degree of color---I hope I'm doing it right.