protein skimmer


Reefing newb
okay have a 125 gallon tank..what brand of skimmer do u suggest? i would like a good one but not overly expensive but a middloe one? any suggestion...
That's the one item I would not try to go low or mid on. Try to get the best one you can afford. It will pay off in the end for you. I run a MSX 160 Xtreme On my 125. I got a good deal on it on line and I'm glad I didn't skimp on the skimmer!
Good Luck!
I just bought a Coralife Super Skimmer 125 and I LOVE it!! It is VERY touchy while setting it up and yes, I flooded the floor twice, but now that it is set up and dialed in just right it is pulling all kinds of black junk out of my tank. It has a set up for sump or HOB.
a in sump. but some reveiews i read about asm aren't so good..pumps were burning out quick.

I run ASM on almost all of my tanks, as long as nothing gets into the pump no issues, my 180 skimmer pump has been running for 4 years now, on my 120 2 years, Several other systems I have running for 5+ years.

ASM has a good warrantee on them as well.
my wife gave me an early x-mas gift. she got the coralife skimmer if have installed but have to make a bracket for outlet box it wont sit down in the sump far enough so i am getting those micro bubbles..
Give it a few weeks to break in. It won't start working right away. And make sure you have it dialed down, because Coralife skimmers have a tendency to overflow and flood, especially in the beginning.