Purple up those LiveRocks?


Reefing newb
How long does it usually take for those live rock to turn purple? I heard it takes years for it be really purple? I know I'm suppose to watch my Calcium and use Magnesium and other stuffs. I just got Purple up and I'm using it. Whats your suggestion?

Every system is different.Some will start growing coralline within a month or 2,while some can take 6 months or longer.

The best way to get coralline to grow is keep your calcium between 400 and 500 with an alkalinity from 9 to 12 DKH.Keep your phosphate and nitrate as close to zero as possible.
You can take a new soft bristle tooth brush and just gently brush some coralline off a peice of LR to get some spores into the water column,any where the spores stick to rock or glass,new coralline will grow.
I personally had better luck NOT using purple up.
I have use Purple Up in the past...I found no difference in using it and not using it.Just make sure you monitor your calcium levels and not overdose.
It has only taken a couple of months before coralline started growing on the glass and powerheads in my tank.Every systems different,but usually from 2-6 months sounds about right.Try yote's idea,brush the rocks and see if that helps.Remember coralline is a slow grower compared to the nuisance algae like hair algae.Keep your nutrients levels low so it doesn't have to compete with the nuisance algae.Good luck
I found a BIG difference when I used Purple Up. Mine started growing within a couple weeks, and it was a couple months before all my glass and equipment was covered. It took to the rocks last.