QT Tank


Reefing newb
I would like to know what size tank I should use for a qt tank, how do I set one up. Is it best to use the water from my salt tank or start from scratch using salt pump and heater, do I need to add live sand to qt tank.
Thanks for any help on the set up of a qt tank.
I know alot of people just use cheap 10 gallon tanks as qt. But if you can afford it then by all means get something a little bigger. As far as setting one up you only need to do so when you have new livestock. Just fill it with water from your dt, some people fill it with the water from their water change. Dont add any sand or rock. But put in a heater, a small powerhead, and a small filter. You can also put in some pvc fittings to give the fish something to hide in. After you qt your fish and add them to your dt you can break down your q tank.
+1 HeavyHittah

Ive got a 10 gal that Ive had set up for a while. It has a little Rio HOB skimmer/filter thing, a little heater, and a little powerhead. I just used water from my main tank and put some pvc in it and it was good to go.