Recommend a fish


Reefing newb
I have a 45 gallon FOWLR that's about a year and a half old. I recently lost the last of the 2 Green Chromis that I got in the beginning. I still have a firefish, 2 Clarki clowns, 1 pajama fish, a bicolor blenny and a sixline wrasse.

I know I'm pushing my limit, but I'd like to add 1 more fish and was wondering what might be compatible with these guys. I'm looking for the last fish to round things out and I'd like to have something that is a conversation piece without disrupting the community tank.

Thanks for any recommendations!
Yup. Dwarf angel FTW! Since it's FOWLR, you don't need to worry about it taking a nip at your corals. So go for something bright and colorful like a Flame, Coral Beauty, or Lemonpeel! Those are my three favs, although I'm really digging my African Flameback that I have now..............
Nope. They leave the shrimp alone. There's more danger of your six line going for your shrimp than the angel.
OK, so my daughter fell in love with a 3 striped damsel today. We added him and are monitoring things closely to see if he'll fit in. The Clarki Clowns are bullying him and I'm not sure if he will be ongoing or if he'll maintain his own. He is about 1/3 the size of them but I think he will grow quickly if he can hang in there. I looked at him good in the store and he seemed to be pretty strong. However, the cleaner shrimp has been latching onto him and cleaning his mouth. The cleaner has never cleaned any of the other fish and I hope that he is not carrying some parasite that cannot be ousted. I don't have a quarantine, but I'm thinking I should probably get a small tank, heater and filter and start qt'ing in the future.
Well, "Snoopy" the 3 striped damsel is hanging in there. The clowns are constantly chasing him and he stays up at the top where he can safely hide behind a power head or skimmer. He's been venturing out more lately and I think he's getting used to the chase. Maybe if they put him in check early he won't end up being aggressive and all will be well.