Red Bug Treatment Success


Controversial Reefer
I just had red bugs for the first time. They had infected three acros that were adjacent to each other. Only one of the acros had color loss. I had a local vet give me some free samples of interceptor. They could only give me 2 tablets of the the 5.75mg ( dogs up to 25lbs). I crushed the two tablets into a fine powder and disolved it in a bucket with one gallon of tank water. I put a powerhead in the bucket with heavy flow. I soaked the three acros for a 1/2 hour and put them in another small tank for observation. The red bugs will still present even though the coral had shed their outer coats. I put the corals back into the 1 gallon of interceptor dosed tank water and let them soak for another 1/2 hour making a total of 1 hour. I used a pipette and the power head to blow off any slime or red bugs. I put the corals into another bucket filled with more tank water (no interceptor) and let them soak for 1 hour with flow. They were returned to their home tank immediately. The day after I noticed there was a small amount of redbugs still attached but they were bleached white and appeared dead. A day or two later they were gone. It has been 2 weeks now and no sign of red bugs. I'm not sure what the life cycle is but things are looking up right now.

:death: Disclaimer :death:: I don't guarantee that the process above will not harm your corals or even do the job. I just wanted to share this since it worked for me. Interceptor is highly toxic to all crustaceans. Don't dose any corals without expecting all attached crustaceans to be eliminated. If infestation is rampid a whole tank can be dosed, but all wanted crustaceans must be removed and filtration must be temporarily halted. Exact dosage is higly questionable. It is a tedious process. Following the dosage constant water changes, skimming, reactors and frequent carbon changes are necessary. I've never tried. Good luck to anyone who does!!!

This is where I learned about the treatment but I didn't follow the dosage: - Interceptor | Red Bug treatment
+1 Biff
I've not had to deal with red bugs yet.But I do have a packet of Interceptor waiting just in case.