Red slime..!


Reefing newb
I'm pretty sure its that red slime.. but need to make sure and figure out a way to fight it.

This is the state of the treasure chest, I'm pretty sure of it be covered with some kind of bad growth.

And just for kicks.. my favorite fish in the tank, the triangle.
That is cyano.
If you dont have any corals you can turn the lights off for a while and that will help. Increase your water changes.
Decrease things that are making your phosphates increase. A.K.A. feeding. Get a poly filter or some phosban to help remove phosphates.
Fighting cyano is a horrible battle, but you will eventually win. I had to fight it in both of my tanks.
Also it says you have been into salt water for 2 months and you have that many fish. Rule of thumb add 1 fish every 2-3 weeks or you can overload your bioload.
also if its isolated to what is pictured, you can take a turkey baster and suck it off, or use a siphon tube

just be careful not to blow it off or it will be all over the place
I've been involved 2 months, however there's the help of a cousin who's been with this for 8 or so years. She dropped this tank on me, since she no longer wanted to work wit them.

Any suggestions on a poly filter? I'm still new, and probably am gonna be calling my cousin again for what will seem like the 100th time in the recent two months.
I've been involved 2 months, however there's the help of a cousin who's been with this for 8 or so years. She dropped this tank on me, since she no longer wanted to work wit them.

Any suggestions on a poly filter? I'm still new, and probably am gonna be calling my cousin again for what will seem like the 100th time in the recent two months.

Ahh ok. I have put a poly filter in my tank where water will flow through it and it seemed to help for me. People recommend using phosband but I never used it or know anything about it, but im sure someone will chime in with info.
Thank you very much, I'll do some research of my own and wait for what others say...

On a side note, she never had a problem with the slime, the whole setup, live rock and sand and all were perfectly fine. of course we had to make lots of new water and were only able to keep about 50 gallons of original water from the original a 240 gallon tank + 20 gallon sump..
Increasing flow in the areas where you see the slime will help too. Cyano has a hard time establishing itself in areas of sufficient flow. Try aiming a powerhead on the slime and that should help make it disappear too.
Thanks for the suggestion, unfortunately there's only 2 pumps in the system, one that takes water from the sump into the skimmer and the other one that pumps water back into the main tank.

I will however, direct one of my outputs into the main tank to blow onto the chest and hope it helps.

I've already changed the light schedule, the lights will come on as usual, but the day will be shorter by about two hours. I was thinking of reducing feeding, however I'm worried that I'll be under feeding them. My clown trigger already is quite aggressive when it comes to eating (it'll steal a sheet of seaweed right off the clip).. I'm still confused, given my newbie status to this. Not to mention the tang is difficult to care for..

Everyone has you covered. May I make two suggestions :

1.) Get some powerheads in that tank!! You have a 250g tank with no flow? You should have at least 5-6 powerheads in a tank that size...substantial powerheads too. The powerheads will help circulate you water, aerate your water, blow crap off the rocks, etc.

2.) As for the phosphates.....I would suggest picking up one of THESE. You can use the dual chamber model (one for GFO the other for carbon). Put this outside your sump.

Good Luck. Keep up the good work. You will have a nice experience with your tank if you keep up with the support and suggestions from your friends on Living Reefs!
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for 1. I will do that, probably 2 or 3 of the #1s, I also probably should've done this earlier, quick paint sketch of how the water flow works in my tank.

#2,3,5,6 all blow downwards and towards the center of the tank, they create a slow current that blows everything towards the center.. probably will need some work.
#1,4 blows upwards and slightly breaks the surface, making bubbles and allowing more air to come into contact to the water, giving more air.

I should've put this picture up earlier, its the guts of the system, but here it is.

main pump
on left, hidden behind the jug containing the skimmed residue, skimmer, sump, smaller pump submerged inside the sump propels water to the skimmer. There's another area to the left, but nothing's in there.

I couldn't get the specs on the smaller pump..

now for #2, I'll see if I can get it

Lighting is a 36" + a 24" power compact, type D, set on two timers. Antics at 7 AM, Daylights at 7:30ish AM, Daylights go out at ~6:30 PM, Antics at 7:00 PM, a nice 12hr day.

The fact is, I'm still quite new and I get lost or confused, or both very often.

This weekend I intend on cleaning the algae off with a fish net and a turkey baster as suggested, then doing a 40 gallon water change.
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Everyone was "new" once. Since you have no corals, your lighting is fine. Like Stag says, the Koralia #1s won't be powerful enough for you....look into #3s or #4s.

Questions :

1.) What is in your sump? I see eggcrates with plastic bags.
2.) You should take that black sponge out of your sump....looks like a "poop" trap.

Good Luck.....
Ok, I'll go and see if I can get 2-3 #3s or #4s.

1. There's eggcrates with bags of activated carbon lying on top of them, then connections for the skimmer and pump to main tank.
2. The black sponge isn't really a sponge its actually split carbon, one of bags of the stuff broke while in transit and I have yet to find a day where I am able to turn it all off and clean it out (appears to be a full day process)


Oh and I can't reach the bottom of my tank lol
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It wont hurt your fish to go without eating for a couple of days.Theres probably more than enough food living on the rock work anyway.
Like the others have said,siphon out what of the cyano you can get too.Then turn the lights off for 3 or 4 days.You've got to get the cyano you can see out of the tank.It'll supply it own nutrients and just keep growing if you dont.
For the powerheads,get the #4s at least.I'd probably even go with the magnum 6s or 7s.
Well! time to spend the hundreds I saved on a free tank eh?

I got home today, was feeling better than normal so I took off the canopy, then brushed (and scooped) out as much of the slime as I could. I think I'll need to remove the chest to properly clean it.

Looks a lot better. Just try and get some flow in that area. The person whom owned the tank before did they use powerheads or just the flow comming into the tank?