Refugium Lighting?


Reefing newb
Hey everyone, trying to set up a 30g Refugium for a 110g tank and I got a bit of a question about Lighting for a refugium. How much light do you actually need? I see lights for 24W 48W ... and so on. I have not decided on everything I'm putting in the fuge, but I know I would love to do at least 1 or 2 mangrove trees.

Any Idea's, or suggestions? Any info will help :) thanks everyone!
You don't need a lot of light for a fuge, since you'll only be growing macroalgae (and/or mangroves) in there. I use a single fluorescent strip bulb over mine.
You won't need much so the 24w should be plenty.I'm personally running a 48w T5-HO fixture over my 25g. refugium.The two bulb Nova Extreme to be exact.
I run two cheap Walmart 6500K Power compact bulbs on a small (1/2 of 40 gallon breeder) under tank refugium. No reflectors.