Refugium ?


Reefing newb
Can someone please run me through what I will need to set one up? I'm about to setup a new 125 and would like to have a good refugium, I would like to make it 20 gallons or so? and maybe even keep fish in it if at all possible? Thanks for your help!

On your picture would i be able to put maybe like a cleaner crew where all green and rocks are? i would like a little ecosystem under this one because i cant keep much with a coral catshark up top?
what about live fish? The person at my LFS says it would be ok, My buddy has a 300 gallon setup with a 55 gallon refug. and he has a pair of clowns in there and i was wondering is it healthy? ive been in the saltwater business for a long time and never really even messed with refug. just normal tanks with protein skimmers and filers lol!
Yes, you can keep fish in there, BUT you have to make sure they are protected. So that they can't go over/under a bubble trap, get sucked into a return pump, etc. It needs to be a secure environment for them, and the standard way that people set up refugiums is not fish-friendly, so you'd need to modify yours a bit to accommodate fish.
What about like putting a net of somekind over the overflow? Ive never used refugs so im kind of new to it sorry for all the stupid questions
Yes, mesh or netting with holes that are small enough to keep fish from going through is fine. You can find garden mesh (to keep birds off plants) in the outdoor section of most hardware stores. I have used that to cover my overflows in the past.