Riddle me this...


Reefing newb
Hi all,

I'm new to saltwater aquariums. Like a lot of folks, I thought I had it figured out. I have really enjoyed being a lurker here and didn't feel like I had anything to contribute until now.

I has my 36 gallon tank up and running with a few hardy fish for ammonia sources. I added a couple peppermint shrimp to help scavenge stuff. All of a sudden, one shrimp carcase was drifting along the bottom of the tank. It looked like the fish had picked it over pretty good and left a hollow shell. A day later, the other shrimp was lying dead on the bottom. I quickly removed both. While I thought my nitrogen cycle was complete, I had an ammonia spike. I used a couple PWC's and some amquel plus and a few days later, I had a clear tank, no ammonia, no nitrite. So, back to smooth sailing.

Then, something happened. Or had happened. My ammonia spiked again. at first to 1 ppm. PWC. 12 hours later 2ppm. PWC and ammo-lock. 24 hours after starting the spike reached 8ppm. Nitrites still zero. Nitrates steady.

So, any guesses about what happened and what I found?(I'll post the details in a few days)

I am still fighting the problem, but I think I have an edge on it now.

I hope this is a good post to get to know everyone with. Thanks to all the folks who post here.
I don't think your shrimp died -- especially if it was a hollow shell. That is a shrimp molt. Crustaceans molt to grow. Normally, shrimp molt about once a month.
PS -- I lived in Flagstaff for a year and a half. Former lumberjack (jill?) here! :)

Beaver Street Brewery chocolate pudding cake... OH MY GOD... :mrgreen:
Oh Man! Beaver Street! Love their Hefewiezen in the summer and their red ales all year round!

So, what caused the ammonia spike, then? Why no nitrites?
Dunno, it could have been a lot of things. A hitch hiker that you didn't know you had dying -- or something else in your tank dying. Overfeeding. Did you rummage around and stir stuff up when you were removing the shrimp bodies? It could have been you using an ammonia-based cleaner in the vicinity of the tank. Lots of things can cause ammonia spikes.

Any hints? :D
Yeah, I moved to Tucson in 2001, but lived in Flagstaff in 2004/2005. Then I moved back to Tucson and have been here ever since!
So, I got fooled by the molting of the shrimp. He actually crawled under a rock and died.

After several days, he started to decompose and produce lots of ammonia. LOTS of ammonia.

Thought it was a good lesson.