Ro/Di Question

ok the line that goes into the top filter on the left side(see the t) goes to the pressure tank on the right side of that filter there should be a line that goes out to the garbage can. when you use water it will take it from the pressure tank until it is empty than will start t fill yur container drop by drop until you stop it and let the pressure tank refill. hope that helps.
Daugherty explained it correctly, except for 1 minor, yet important step. At the T on the in side of the last carbon filter, the open end does go to your RO/DI container and that needs to have a shut off at the end. BUT, when you are filling the container, shut off the valve on the top of the pressure tank. If you leave it opened, the water will go thru the DI resin too fast.

Daugherty...give that a try. Run your water with the pressure tank valve opened and see how fast it comes out. Then turn the pressure tank off. The difference is huge. With the tank opened, the water doesn't get a chance to be procesed by the DI resin. Plus, if you leave the tank opened, the water from the tank will backwash the crap out of the last carbon filter and end up in your RO/DI container.
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Daugherty explained it correctly, except for 1 minor, yet important step. At the T on the in side of the last carbon filter, the open end does go to your RO/DI container and that needs to have a shut off at the end. BUT, when you are filling the container, shut off the valve on the top of the pressure tank. If you leave it opened, the water will go thru the DI resin too fast.

Daugherty...give that a try. Run your water with the pressure tank valve opened and see how fast it comes out. Then turn the pressure tank off. The difference is huge. With the tank opened, the water doesn't get a chance to be procesed by the DI resin. Plus, if you leave the tank opened, the water from the tank will backwash the crap out of the last carbon filter and end up in your RO/DI container.

on mine the carbon and di are seperate if you use the sink water it does not use the di but if you use the water for the fish tank it runs through the last carbn filter than to the di filter the perssure tank is on the in side and the sink and fish tank side are on the same output side. but i do agree with you about the pressure tank being to much for the di resin. on his it looks like it rund thrugh all the filters execpt the last carbn filter until it is used
So started to hook everything up and realized they didn't send the faucet adapter since i can't tap into my lines underneath my sink :(. Gotta wait again
Ace is the Place... Since you are having to get the piece yourself, you should just get a "t" fitting to add under your sink at the cold water shut off. Just close the valve, disconnect the cold water supply hose to your faucet, add your "t", reconnect your water hose and finally connect your RO/DI. The faucet adapter is the "I have no tools and dont want to hire a handyman" way of doing it.
Ok i looked over the system today when i had more time i noticed something. Its not actually a t its an L with just one opening that runs the line to the pressure tank. Am i better off just and going and buying a t and replacing it? Also since i'm gonna be running from the faucet. Will i have to drain something each time after i'm done since it won't be always connected to a water source? Sorry for the all the stupid questions, i'm a real plumbing newb.
Ok i looked over the system today when i had more time i noticed something. Its not actually a t its an L with just one opening that runs the line to the pressure tank. Am i better off just and going and buying a t and replacing it? Also since i'm gonna be running from the faucet. Will i have to drain something each time after i'm done since it won't be always connected to a water source? Sorry for the all the stupid questions, i'm a real plumbing newb.
No. when I was talking about a T, I was talking about you permanently tapping into the water supply under the sink because I thought you were going to leave this set up all the time. For a temporary set up, you will just need the faucet adapter that they didn't send you (again, Ace should carry it). Here is a picture of your system
you have an incoming line (green tag) and a waste line(red tag). Your incoming line will connect to the faucet adapter that you still need. Your waste line can just go into a second bucket that you can use to water your plants or you can put it down the drain.
In the top left of the picture, ther is a Tee on the end of the stagte 6 filter. you need to connect the tee to the tank. The valve on the tank is so that you can turn the tank pressure off while you use this to make reef water. If you are only goint to use this to make reef water then you really don't need the tank and you could just put a cap on the Tee and skip the connection to the tank.
You have one line out for clean water that comes off of the stage 6 filter (blue tag). This connects to the chrome dispenser. Again if you are just using this for reef water, there is no need to use the dispenser, just hang the hose into your bucket.
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Exactly right, that's why I said not to use it if you are doing a temporary set up because you will have to fill and empty the tank every time you set it up. If you just cap the piece going to the tank you can skip connecting it entirely.
Chrome Dispenser. I was just hoping to fill the container full and unhook it from the faucet. Hoping to use the storage container for drinking water when i'm not making reef water.
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ok. in theory you could add a valve to the supply line where it connects to the faucet to close the system and disconnect it but still get water from it though in reality it wont work very well. You have a couple of problems but the biggest is that the faucet is what keeps pressure on the system to dispense water. without the pressure, your system will be reduced to a SLOW drip and will be limited to the capacity of the tank which at best is 5 gallons. Also the way your system is now, without a valve on the line in, as soon as you disconnect it, it will spew water all over the place. bottom line, it will need to be connected any time you want to use it.
Well after some fiddle was able to get the adapter to fit my sink with some teflon and by removing the rubber washer (going to look tomorrow for a skinnier one). How long will it take to fill up a 5g bucket on average?
my system is 100 gpd and 5 gals usually takes me 35 to 45 min. it is slow. keep in mind that the tpye of system you have, the psi at your house, and the age of your filters all play a part in the speed. if it takes more than an hour I would try to see if you can adjust the pressure coming into your house. realize also though that if your pipes are old and you increase the pressure it could cause a leak