Scary Zoas!


Reefing newb
I picked up some zoas the other day...i know they are super poisonous! Im afraid to even touch them!! I have read the "sticky" post about them. How worried should I be?
as long as you're careful while your handling them you should be ok. They're poisonous but, I believe you're only in trouble if you crush a polyp while handling them or, during fragging.them
Like anything else,just respect em and you'll be fine.
After handleing them,wash your hands with a strong soap and hot water.And dont scratch,pick your nose,rub your eyes,or touch your mouth until you've washed your hands.
I've even crushed them and got their juice in an open cut before. Nothing happened. The ones that have a lot of toxins are very rare. If being deadly was commonplace, you'd hear more about it.

So common sense stuff like don't get their juice in your eyes, mouth or cuts is good to go by. But don't be afraid like they're going to kill you if you touch them.
be afraid, be very na im jk. When fragging WEAR GOGGLES and a FACEMASK or mouthcover. recently had a close call that made me invest in a few lol. The Goggles are the wisest investment. I cant tell you how many times ive fragged zoas and wound up with zoa juice on the goggles
Handle them the same way you would jalapenos! Be careful, and wash your hands super well afterwards being careful not to touch any orfices or open cuts.
I play handball against my tomato clown with a frag of zoas while using the same hand to eat jalapeno nachos. I don't know you people are talking about. :lol:

Seriously though, I don't handle them any differently than other corals when they are under the water. I would be a bit scared to frag them though. Eye protection would be smart.