scopas tang aggresive toward new aditions


Dude Dude DUDE!!!!!!
ok so everytime for the last 3-4 additions my scopas tangdecides to charge at them and stress them for a day or two is this normal behavior my last fish was the bicolor angel and the tang did the same thing to him charged at him and try and cut him with that little razor the have on their tail he also swims circles around them almost like he's trying to do twisters
I want to add a yellowtang but the last one I tried to add I believe was stressed by my scopas
Would I need to take the scopas out ad the new one then ad the scopasagain or what

I don't want to rid myself of the scopas because he's been with me since the beggining.
If the tank is 75g, it's not big enough for 2 tangs to begin with. The scopas is established and will be aggressive to any new angel or tang addition. A yellow is the same body shape as a scopas so it's not a good idea to even try them together, especially in a 4' tank.
The scopas is an aggressive type of fish. It will likely act this way towards anyone you add.

And like others have said, your tank is too small for more than one tang.
I gave up on tangs awhile ago because they always got to aggressive, and turned the tank into a warzone. I guess with a larger tank, they would work out, but I have traded tangs for rabbitfish, and have a particular love for foxfaces as they only showed aggression to other rabbitfish, and can work in a peaceful or aggressive tank.