sea clone 100...


I Love Reefer
do these things actually work? like do they even have any effect at all? ive been running mine for about a week. and i have a little bit of foam, but really hardly any. it doesnt even look like the foam im used to seeing come out of a skimmer. it seems like the bubbles arent fine enough? i have a diy skimmer that pumps out a whole lot of foam and gunk everyday. is it worth using the seaclone as a hang on to supplement my diy? or am i just wasting electricity?
i thought so. i mean i figure...why are they even on the market? they gotta do something? theyre rated for 100 gallon, but i dont see how they got that rating?
"SeaClone Protein Skimmer doesn't look--or perform--like any other protein skimmer."

At least they're honest lol.
i actually have a seaclone on my 37 gallon atm because my aqua c remora cracked, and it pulls like a half a cup of nasty skim a day. it is performing unbelievably. but i bought x19s reef octopus hob skimmer so ill put that on.
if u can get it tuned i would leave it mine took a week or so to "break in" and it has worked great ever since.