Sea Goblin


Reefing newb
Hello everyone. I haven't posted here in a long time but we just purchased a Sea Goblin. I don't know much about them and can't find a lot.

Can someone give me some insight?

Thanks Yote. I already found that page, but it really doesn't tell me much. Will he eat my fire shrimp and other little critters? I'm worried about all the fish, to tell you the truth.
he wont bother your other fish
i feed bob a few glass shrimp once or twice a week
as far as you ornamental shrimp, they might be in danger of becoming dinner
they are ambush predators so they dont move around the tank much, they wait for dinner to come to them

He is also a member of the scorbionfish family, you may be able to get more info if you search under scorpionfish
I have had no luck getting him to eat anything other than glass shrimp
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Thanks very much. He's pretty active today. He's been swimming to the top of the tank and squirting water out onto my carpet, the brat! I'm pretty fascinated with him. Here's a cool pic I got of him this morning.

I need to order some of those shrimp. The store that's had him was feeding him black mollies, but he hasn't touched them at our house yet. But, we've only had him two days and he's probably not ready to eat.

The Blue faced angel likes to poke him in the tail to get him to swim...he'll be sorry for fu#!in' with the wrong guy, huh?

How long have you owned Bob? It's funny, 'cause I was gonna name mine Rob (he looks just like my boyfriend when he's hungover!)


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ive had bob for about 9 months, hes been very hardy and healthy
Inimicus filamentosus is the latin name of your fish that may help you get info
your goblin is different than mine, i think "sea goblin" is somewhat of a generic name