selene setapinnis?


Reefing newb
Was at the LFS picking up a book and was naturally browsing the livestock and saw a fish of what i think is a "selene setapinnis" which i found out the tried and true way of flipping through a marine fish encyclopedia until i found something that looks the same. It was an incredibly vibrant silver and they were just gorgeous.

If you google it thats what they looked like. very very flat , about the size of hand spread out, silver and with foreheads that are almost a 90 degree angle.

I'm just curious if i have it right since when i look them up it says diet : small fish and crustaceans but in the tank there was a handful of fish that were quite small. They piqued my interest until i found out the diet so just wanted to make sure i have the id right.
Are you talking about those huge "jack" fish? They need large tanks, and yes, they will eat your small fish. At my lfs, they're in a tank with larger tangs and lionfishes and scorpians.
Nope, they wern't jack fish, they were much flatter and more square. Their faces were literally like the end of a box

Edit: or more like a piece of paper? they are very flat just.. vertically?.. square
I think you're talking about a lookdown jack. If so, they need a tank a little smaller than the ocean, but not much smaller.

yep! that's that one!

thanks so much! was driving me crazy.

Looks like it's not even in the realm of suitability but atleast now i know!
They also come in a slightly different variety that has alot of fins coming off their dorsal...This is the best pic. I could find but it really doesn't do them justice.


the pictures don't do them justice... alot of fish come off a silvery but these look like they have been dipped in mercury. very very bright and vivid.
Jacks are known to scare the crap out of divers. They school in the formation of a shark and from a distance it will get your heart racing. They get really big don't they?