setting up RODI


Reefing newb
whats the best rodi unit to buy for a 175? does it run all the time, how long can you store water, how much is wasted?
well there are lots of things that you should consider, as for which unit to get, i would think that anything 50 gallons per day or bigger would be enough...
I mean think about it, your not gonna be evaping and or changing that much every day, are you?

when it runs kinda depends on how you want it set up... it can be hooked up all the time, or you can get a "portable" on that clips onto the kitchen sink, only when you need to use it, kinda up to you....

you can store the water, theoretically indefinately, so long as what you store it in is clean and safe and wont leach chemicals into the water. Personally i check the recycle symbols on my containers, and i only use #1 #2 and #5 containers.. from what i have read(and there is some differing opinions) any other # of plastic might leach chemicals into the water.. i prefer to not take the chance...

how much is wasted kinda depends on a few things, one is the membranes that are in the unit, another thing that effects it is your water pressure, and weather or not you need a booster pump like i do, or if you can get away without it. there are also "add on's" that will reduce the amount of waste water....

something else that can effect it is backflushing and how often you change the filters....

there are a couple good sites, check out pure water club, and look around.. from what i've seen and read, they have some good stuff...
what addons can you put on to reduce waste. i bought a 2 stage ro unit that hooked up to my sink a few years ago and it wasted about 10 times as much water as i go so i never used it again....think it was coralife. do you think i needed a pump? how does that work? does it boost the flow after the faucet?
ro wastes about 3 times the water you produce. Most people let it go down the drain. I have heard of a few people that capture it to water plants and stuff. Most ro units require a pressure of 65 or more for them to work correctly. You can get a pump to increase the water pressure if you need it.
I think I spent around $200, plus another $50 (I think...might've been less) for a tds meter (A very useful device to let you know when it's time to change).

I didn't worry too much about how many gallons a day mine made because when I start to run low, I just turn mine on, fill up a huge rubbermaid tub reserve, and I don't have to think about it again. So really, speed wasn't a factor....just getting a good one mattered.
yea, you'll want to measure your water pressure before you decide if you need a pump or not...

If you do, the booster pump goes between your supply line (like under the sink on the cold side) to the ro filter, what it does is push the water through the membrane faster...

i was reading on some site about a efluvium or something like that, i really dont remember what they were calling it, but basically it was a flow restrictor that went on the "waste" water line and created some backpressure so that the water would be forced through the membrane more, and less would be wasted... if i find it i'll post a link to it...

this is the one i'm looking at.....
Zero ppm RO+(2)DI Aquarium Reverse Osmosis Water Filter#RO1-6BB
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And why the hell do I have all my bank account security questions memorized anyways?
Yeah I could really use that credit card info. I just had to pay $830 for a last-minute plane ticket to go back east for a family emergency for 2 days :(
It's very sad to watch your family members pass and it happens more and more as you get older. First one and then another. It's life but it sucks to lose them.

Sorry about you Grandma, Biff. :(