Six Line Wrasse


Reefing newb
Well after my 3rd Failed Attempt at keeping a Singapore Angelfish i've decided to ditch angels and went with a six line. So far this fish is fantastic, Lots of movement and nice color as well. What is everyones view on Six Line Wrasses?
They are pretty but ive never had one. If you put the angel in the 30g that would most likely be the reason for them not making it. Best of luck with the wrasse though
Yeah sometimes angels are like that. I couldnt get my bicolour to eat until I put live brineshrimp in the tank. After that he ate like a champ but eventually perished. He was also in a 30g, but I honestly think he needed more space.

Live aquaria used to have him listed @ 30 but now it is 70 so I figure it was that or a vitamin deficiency.
If I do try another angel it'll be a flame. They're really pretty but so damn expensive. my LFS charges 69.99 for one.
im having the hardest time tryin to get the little sucker to eat, im out of frozen food and the lfs doesnt open till monday and he wont touch pellets or flakes >< i read they were easy to feed.
Six lines are really good at picking pods and other critters off of rocks. Mine didn't eat for a month because it was keeping itself full with live critters. Once the pod population was depleted it started coming out to eat frozen, but was really cryptic about it and never really got in the pack with the rest of the fish to eat. It would kind of hang off to the side and eat pieces that floated by it. Unless he starts to look skinny I wouldn't worry about him not eating the prepared foods. My guess is that he's finding plenty to eat, and he'll eventually start eating with everyone else once he depletes the pod population in your rocks.
A 6 line was my second fish! After having him about 3 years I found him one morning when it looks like he went carpet surfing in the middle of the night. I really liked him. Very colorful, interesting movements, and I really liked his eyes. He was really missed, but they're expensive here(60-80$) so I decided not to get another one.