skimmer help!

OK, I am getting a skimmer not exactly what I want but I need one.

I found this for $90
remora with MJ 1200 and overflow box...

or a Corallife 125 for $60 new

what do you think or keep looking? I only have 1 fish right now, so I don't need one today but soon.

I say to jump on the Corallife.
I ran the CSS 125 on my 75gal and loved it.Their great skimmers for the price.
Where are you finding such a deal on the Coralife? I would like to get the 220 model and would kill for a comparable deal.
ebay has a good deal right now, search for protein skimmer under pet supplies. i can't remember what page or i would post the link, only 6 for the search so it shouldn't take long to find...
Go for the CSS 125. That's a great price. I run the same one on my 40 reef and love it. I had some problems with it at first, but now that I got it figured out it really is a great skimmer.