Sleeper Gobies are rude


Reefing newb
I have a big fat Golden Head Sleeper Goby that is constantly dropping sand on my open brain and Acans. Both of these corals are recent additions. My tank is six feet long and I have moved them as far as I can from the gobys lair. But still, Mr Bo Jangles will look right at me, take a huge mouthful of sand, filter it thru his gills and then let it fall onto the brain or Acans. So once a night I use my turkey baster to gently blow the sand off. But, every night when I get home there is more sand on them. The problem is that the brain is often only halfway inflating. The side with sand on it will look crappy and the other side will be complety inflated and beautiful.

What do you guys do, or what can I do to deal with that?

Below is a picture of one from the web, but mine is much fatter and more rude looking.

I had a Golden head that not only covered any corals that were on the sand,but he covered the rock to.
Needless to say,he got traded.
It's another reason why I don't keep sand sifting gobies.Besides,that they consume all the beneficial fauna in the sandbed.Your only options is either get rid of it,move the corals higher or live with it-dusting off the corals from time to time.I can tell you constant stress like that can cause brown jelly disease on some LPS corals.
Last night I did the unthinkable. I tore apart the entire tank to catch Bo Jangles. The tear apart and rebuild took 4 hours. He spent the night in my fuge. He's in my truck right now waiting for the LFS to open at 10am. I feel bad but its for the best I think.
I decided not to get anything this afternoon because my pseudochromis still has a tail full of ich. But the Sailfin has been symptom free for a week and none of the other fish have it. I am planning on getting a blue throat trigger. They have a 6" one down there right now for $50.