small pump for H2O changes


Reefing newb
I'm looking to use a small pump to pump out my mixed saltwater into the tank during a water change. I mix the water in a garbage pail, but end up having to put it high into the air on top of a stool so it can siphon into the tank- an accident waiting to happen!

I want to get a pump that will pump the water out of the pail from the floor into the tank- powerful enough to do this, but something that will be relatively low pressure.

Any ideas for the gph?
The maxijet 1200 should be fine, I use the same exact setup that Sarah mentioned. When i first started I'd heft 5 gallon buckets up to the rim of the tank and drop them in, the maxijet makes water changes much easier
I use a old Aquaclear powerhead. It just so happens to fit my siphon tube that I use to take the water out of the tank.