snail suicide?


Reefing newb
i stopped by my house for lunch and when looking at my tank i noticed a large black lump on my light... as i moved closer i realized that a nerite snail had climbed out of the tank and up the leg of my light.... has anyone ever had this happen? does it mean anything? i also remember an astrea doing this in my pico but that seemed more like he got stuck on top of the heater...
Yeah, it happens all the time with nerite snails. They seem to be stupid and like to climb out of the water. I used to find them on my floor all the time after they've fallen out of the tank. I've since stopped buying them.
stupid nerite snails haha... shoulda flushed the delusional little bugger... just kidding but that could be annoying later on
The smaller ones seem more likely to climb above the water level. My large nerites never go above the water.
Part of my 'walk around' each morning is to check behind the tank for my nerite snails. They climb out during the night sometimes, but no matter how 'dry' they are, they're always fine. Seems they can hold some water in that shell of theirs, and they spring back to life after a few minutes of being back in the tank.